Cars No 19

Car 19 was another Ford, this time a 1992(?) Ford Falcon EB Series II Wagon. For the life of me I can’t quite find anything context to remind me when we bought this, I know it was around June and I am guessing it was probably 1994 … or maybe 95 at, I think, around $13,000. It came to us via my cousin Paul, who bought it for us at the Government auction.

Why a Falcon wagon you might ask? Simple answer … despite all you might have heard to the contrary … size does matter! Once Matt was big enough to not need the car seat anymore, 3 kids just did not fit across the back of the Pathfinder. We think that the elevated nature of kiddy seats back then allowed the  others to kind of spread underneath Matt if you like.

The crunch came when we decided to go to Dinner Plain for a snow holiday with Peter and Dianne and Karen and Rodney, whose vehicles are also visible above. So, it must have been June, but which June I am not sure!

Apart from its size this car had one very memorable characteristic … it used brake pads like most cars use petrol. The poor thing went up and down Old Belair Road every day and brakes seemed to last about 3 weeks, although I am sure that 12 months is more likely the truth.

This Falcon also took us to Falls Creek, again with Peter and Dianne, in 1999. Ah ha … a point of reference is found at last! I am pretty sure we didn’t have it for 5 years, 4 sounds much more likely, which means we must have bought it in 1995.

We eventually sold it for what turned out to be a most unlikely candidate for my most favourite of all my cars …

By the way, there is a new reader that might be interested earlier posts on this subject, so Kevin, you can see all the entries so far by clicking here … Cars Project


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